Biophysical & Economic Farm/Forest-Scale Modeling

Through the Participatory Modeling Process (PMP), the project team collaborated with stakeholders to develop farm/forest scale Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models for priority production systems in the Florida and Georgia region. The SWAT models were calibrated/validated with project-supported and literature-derived data as well as remote sensing data.

Three representative management systems (MS1-3) for each production system were co-developed by the PMP. The representative management systems were designed to encompass the range of practices currently implemented by producers in the region.

Summary of Management Systems (full descriptions available on pdf)

* For each production system values are relative within each management system.


Farm/forest-scale enterprise budgets were also developed for each production and management system based on interviews with growers and Extension personnel. Production inputs (e.g., irrigation and fertilizer) and crop yields from the SWAT models were used to evaluate the net returns for each production and management system.

Results from the farm-forest scale modeling laid the groundwork for Participatory Modeling Process members (i.e., stakeholders and project team members) to collaboratively develop a suite of baseline and future scenarios that were simulated at the watershed scale (Regional Scale Modeling).
