Extension Programming

The goal of the Extension programming component of the FACETS project was to develop and deliver innovative Extension BMP demonstrations, digital decision toolkits and training programs for diverse stakeholders to bring about preferred changes in production systems and incentive programs.

Digital Decision Toolkit


The SmartIrrigation Corn App developed in this project to help growers irrigate corn more efficiently was included in the new CropFit App (https://smartirrigationapps.org) and is available for iOS and Android users.  The app uses estimated daily crop water use and precipitation data to track daily available soil moisture and sends notifications when irrigation is recommended or when the crop is approaching a new growth stage.


  • Diamond, J. (2019). Development and Assessment of a Smartphone Application for Evapotranspiration Based Irrigation Scheduling of Field Corn [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Florida. https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0054391/00001

Meet the Team:
George Vellidis, University of Georgia
Shelby Sangster, University of Georgia
Arianna Toffanin, University of Georgia

Extension Agent In-Service Trainings (ISTs), On-Farm Demos and other informal trainings 

FACETS delivered more than 37 In-Service Trainings and 70 on-farm demos in Florida and Georgia focusing on Best Management Practices (BMP) education for Extension agents, conservation professionals, water conservation district technicians, agriculture industry service providers, crop consultants, producers and farmers. Topics included precision agriculture & irrigation, the use of advanced irrigation scheduling tools (Soil Moisture Sensors, App) and the basics of Best Management Practices for water quality & quantity.

Other informal trainings included 75  county and regional level farmer meetings, tours, and on-farm field days in Florida to discuss Best Management Practices for irrigation and nutrient management (over 2000 farmers, allied agricultural industry representatives, and government agency staff), as well as 50 county-level farmer meetings in Georgia to discuss Best Management Practices for irrigation management and material related to the FACETS project (over 1000 farmers).

Meet the Team:
Wesley Porter, University of Georgia
Robert Hochmuth, University of Florida
Kelly Aue, University of Florida
Charles Barrett, University of Florida
Joel Love, University of Florida
Sudeep Sidhu, University of Florida

Water Schools for Decision Makers

Water Schools were designed to empower communities to make more efficient, consensus-based decisions about water management. The FACETS project held two Water Schools, one in Florida in 2021 and one in Georgia in 2022. The target audience for both workshops included city and county elected and public officials with authority over water management or economic development decisions, leaders of environmental and professional organizations, agricultural producers and Extension agents.

Meet the Team
Charles Barrett, University of Florida
Tatiana Borisova, University of Florida
Gail Cowie, University of Georgia
Mark Masters, Albany State University
Wesley Porter, University of Georgia
Kristin Rowles, Albany State University
George Vellidis, University of Georgia
