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Citation | Year |
Zamora-Re, M. I., Dukes, M. D., Hensley, D., Rowland D., & Graham, W. (2020). The effect of irrigation strategies and nitrogen fertilizer rates on maize growth and grain yield. Irrigation Science, 38, 461-478. | 2020 |
He, F., Borisova, T., Athearn, K., Hochmuth, R., & Barrett, C. (2022). Choosing nitrogen application rate recommendation given Florida’s regulatory water policy. American Society for Horticultural Science, 57(11), 1387-1396. | 2022 |
Rath, S., Zamora-Re, M., Graham, W., Dukes, M., & Kaplan, D. (2020). Quantifying nitrate leaching to groundwater from a corn-peanut rotation under a variety of irrigation and nutrient management practices in the Suwannee River Basin, Florida. Agricultural Water Management, 246(1). | 2020 |
Zamora-Re, M., Rath, S., Dukes, M., D., & Graham, W. (2020). Water and nitrogen budget dynamics for a maize-peanut rotation in Florida. ASABE, 63(6), 2003-2020. | 2020 |
Bawa, R., & Dwivedi, P. (2019). Impact of land cover on groundwater quality in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in Florida, United States. Environmental Pollution, 252(Part B), 1828-1840. | 2019 |
Bawa, R., & Dwivedi, P. (2021). Estimating marginal costs of additional water flow from a Loblolly Pine stand in South Georgia, United States. Journal of Forestry, 119(4), 329-336. | 2021 |
Bawa, R., Dwivedi, P., Hoghooghi, N., Kalin, L., & Huang, Yu-Kai. (2023). Designing Watersheds for Integrated Development (DWID): combining hydrological and economic modeling for optimizing land use change to meet water quality regulations. Water Resources and Economics, 41. | 2023 |
Bawa, R., Colson, G., & Dwivedi, P. (2023). Monetary compensation for changing forest management practices to increase water availability in Georgia, United States. Environmental Research Letters, 18(6). | 2023 |
Huang, Y., Bawa, R., Mullen, J., Hoghooghi, N., Kalin, L., & Dwivedi, P. (2022). Designing Watersheds for Integrated Development (DWID): a stochastic dynamic optimization approach for understanding expected land use changes to meet potential water quality regulations. Agricultural Water Management, 271(1). | 2022 |
Huang, Y., Dwivedi, P., Karki, R., & Kalin, L. (2023). Potential impacts of land use change on streamflow and groundwater resources under changing climate in the Flint River Basin, Georgia, United States. Environmental Research Communications, 9(5). | 2023 |
Bartels, W. L., & Furman, C. A. (2023). Building community for participatory modeling: network composition, trust, and adaptive process design. Society & Natural Resources, 36(3), 326-346. | 2023 |
Hundemer, S., & Monroe, M. C. (2020). A co-orientation analysis of producers’ and environmentalists’ mental models of water issues: opportunities for improved communication and collaboration. Environmental Communication, 15(3), 320-338. | 2020 |
Hundemer, S., Treise, D., & Monroe, M. (2022). A scarcity of biospheric values in local and regional reporting of water issues: media coverage in the Floridan Aquifer region. Journal of Applied Communications, 106(2). | 2022 |
Hundemer, S., Monroe, M. C., & Kaplan, D. (2022). The water science communication problem: water knowledge and the acceptance or rejection of water science. Journal of Hydrology, 604. | 2022 |
Hundemer, S., Monroe, M. C., & Adams, D. C. (2023). Building bipartisan support for pro-environmental water policy in a competitive communication environment: the effect of competing moral frames and political communicators. Journal of Hydrology, 627(Part A). | 2023 |
Lee, D., Merrick, J., Rath, S., Dukes, M., Kaplan, D., & Graham, W. (2024). Groundwater impacts of adding carrot to corn-peanut rotations in North Florida. Agricultural Water Management, 294. | 2024 |
Koirala, U., D. Adams, A. Susaeta, E. Akande (2022). Value of a Flexible Forest Harvest Decision with Short Period Forest Carbon Offsets: Application of a Binomial Option Model. Forests, 13(11): | 2022 |
Haas, H., Kalin, L., & Srivastava, P. (2022). Improved forest dynamics leads to better hydrological predictions in watershed modeling. Science of the Total Environment, 821. | 2022 |
Haas, H., Reaver, N., Karki, R., Kalin, L., Srivastava, P., Kaplan, D., & Gonzalez-Benecke, C. (2022). Improving the representation of forests in hydrological models. Science of the Total Environment, 812. | 2022 |
Karki, R., Srivastava, P., Kalin, L., Mitra, S., & Singh, S. (2021). Assessment of impact in groundwater levels and stream-aquifer interaction due to increased groundwater withdrawal in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin using MODFLOW. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 34. | 2021 |
Susaeta, A., Klizentyte, K. Sharma, A., & Adams, C. (2021). Can uneven-aged management improve the economic performance of longleaf pine? Canadian Journal of Forest Research. | 2021 |
Susaeta, A., Sancewich, B., Adams, D., & Moreno, P. C. (2019). Ecosystem services production efficiency of longleaf pine under changing weather conditions. Ecological Economics, 156, 24-34. | 2019 |
Susaeta, A., Gong, P., & Adams, D. (2019). Implications of the reservation price strategy on the optimal harvest decision and production of nontimber goods in an even-aged forest stand. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 50(3), 287-296. | 2019 |
Karki, R., Srivastava, P., & Veith, T. L. (2020). Application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) at field scale: Categorizing methods and review of applications. Transactions American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 63(2), 513-522. | 2020 |
Karki, R., Srivastava, P., Bosch, D., Kalin, L., Lamba, J., & Strickland, T. C. (2020). Multi-variable sensitivity analysis, calibration, and validation of a field-scale SWAT model: Building stakeholder trust in hydrologic and water quality modeling. Transactions American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 63(2), 523-539. | 2020 |
Karki, R., Srivastava, P., & L. Kalin. (2023). Evaluating climate change impacts in a heavily irrigated karst watershed using a coupled surface and groundwater model. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 5. | 2023 |
Karki, R., Kalin, L., Srivastava, P., Rowles, K., Masters, M., & Bartels, W. L. (2024). Stakeholder-driven watershed modeling for agriculture and ecological sustainability: A case study in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin. Journal of Environmental Management. Journal of Hydrology. (Under Review). | 2024 |
He, F., Lee, D., Borisova, T., Graham, W., Athearn, K., Dukes, M., Merrick, J., & Hochmuth, R. (2024). Farm-scale economic and environmental tradeoffs of land use and land management decisions. Agricultural Water Management, 301. | 2024 |
Hundemer, S. (2023). Prioritization of scientific sources of water information: The effect knowledge, beliefs, and political identity. Journal of Applied Communications, 107(3). | 2023 |
Citation | Year |
Athearn, K. (2019). Carrot production budget. [Data set]. North Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida Live Oak, FL. | 2019 |
Hundemer, S. (2021). Replication data for: the water science communication problem. [Data set]. Harvard Dataverse. | 2021 |
Koirala, U., Damian, A., Smith, A., Athearn, K., Kastner-Wilcox, K. R., Hancock, G., … Hancock, D. (2022). FACETS enterprise crop budgets for NE Florida and SW Georgia. [Data set]. Ag Data Commons. | 2022 |
Reaver, N., Graham, G., Rath, S., Zamora-Re, M., Dukes, M., & Kaplan, D. (2021). SWAT model instances for “quantifying nitrate leaching to groundwater from a corn-peanut rotation under a variety of irrigation and nutrient management practices in the Suwannee River Basin, Florida”. HydroShare. | 2021 |
Vellidis, G. (2022). Floridan Aquifer Collaborative Engagement for Sustainability (FACETS) – field trial data from University of Georgia Stripling Irrigation Research Park (SIRP). [Data set]. Ag Data Commons. | 2022 |
Zamora-Re, M., I., Merrick, R. J., & Dukes, M., D. (2021). Floridan Aquifer Collaborative Engagement for Sustainability (FACETS) – field trial data from Live Oak, Florida. [Data set]. Ag Data Commons. | 2021 |
Citation | Year |
Acharya, B., Sharma, V., Barrett, C., Sidhu, S. S., Zotarelli, L., & Dukes, M. D. (2022). Methods to quantify in-field nutrient leaching: AE581/AE581, 12/2022. EDIS 2022(6). | 2022 |
Cooper, N. A., & Monroe, M. C. (2021). Water quality in the Floridan Aquifer Region: FOR371/FR440, 12/2021. EDIS, 2021(6). | 2021 |
Harkins, M. G., Liu, Y., Plastina, A., Hancock, G. A., & Smith, A. R. (2022). Cover crop seed availability hinders cover crop adoption by agricultural producers. Southern Ag Today 2(39.3). | 2022 |
Hundemer, S. (2022). What do Florida and Georgia residents know about water? [Informational flyer]. | 2022 |
Hundemer, S., & Monroe, M. C. (2021). Water availability in southwest Georgia and northeast Florida: FOR368/FR438, 10/2021. EDIS, 2021(5). | 2021 |
Hundemer, S., & Ramadan, S. (2024). Communicating about water in the Floridan Aquifer region: Part 1—what do people know about water science? AEC786/WC447, 3/2024. EDIS, 2024(2). | 2024 |
Hundemer, S., & Ramadan, S. (2024). Communicating about water in the Floridan Aquifer region: Part 2—do people believe water science? AEC781/WC442, 3/2024. EDIS, 2024(2). | 2023 |
Hundemer, S., & Ramadan, S. (2024). Communicating about water in the Floridan Aquifer region: Part 3— how the right messages and messengers can increase bipartisan support for water policy: AEC778/WC439, 3/2024. EDIS, 2024(2). | 2024 |
Hundemer, S., & Ramadan, S. (2024). Communicating about water in the Floridan Aquifer region: Part 4—the media’s role in water perceptions: AEC782/WC443, 3/2024. EDIS, 2024(2). | 2024 |
Hundemer, S., & Ramadan, S. (2024). Communicating about water in the Floridan Aquifer region: Part 5—increasing collaboration between producers and environmentalists on water challenges: AEC788/WC449, 3/2024. EDIS, 2024(2). | 2024 |
Hundemer, S., & Ramadan, S. (2024). Communicating about water in the Floridan Aquifer region: Part 6—stakeholders’ mental models of regional water challenges: AEC785/WC446, 3/2024. EDIS, 2024(2). | 2024 |
Merrick, J. & Dukes, M. (2021). BMPs & precision ag tools can reduce inputs without diminishing yields in Florida [Informational flyer]. | 2021 |
Monroe, M. C., & Barrett, C. E. (2021). The Basics of Agricultural BMPs in Northern Florida and Southwestern Georgia: FOR368/FR437, 6/2021. EDIS, 2021(4). | 2021 |
Morrow, M., Sharma, V., Hochmuth, R., Barrett, C., & Burani-Arouca, M. (2023). Carrot (Daucus carota) Production in the Sandy Soils of North Florida: Nitrogen Fertilization Guidelines : AE588/AE588, 7/2023. EDIS, 2023(4). | 2023 |
Monroe, M., & Sullivan, G. (2021). Water’s Journey through natural and human systems: FOR374/FR445, 12/2021. EDIS, 2021(6). | 2021 |
Vellidis, G. (2022). BMPs & precision ag tools in GA: reducing inputs while maintaining yields [Informational flyer]. | 2022 |
Citation | Year |
Aryan, F. (2023). Comparing biophysical models of corn-cotton-peanut field experiment [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Florida. | 2023 |
Bawa, R. (2021). Ecological and economic tradeoffs associated with land cover change and water services in southeast United States ( 28410683) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia]. University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. | 2021 |
Diamond, J. (2019). Development and Assessment of a Smartphone Application for Evapotranspiration Based Irrigation Scheduling of Field Corn [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Florida. | 2019 |
Haas, H. (2020). Importance of capturing forest dynamics in hydrological modeling (30272471) [Master’s thesis, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Science, Auburn University]. Auburn University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. & Theses | 2020 |
Hancock, GA. (2019). An economic analysis of adoption of conservation practices in Georgia cotton and peanut production [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. | 2019 |
He, F. (2019). Risk and profitability analysis for sustainable agricultural practices to protect water resources [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida. | 2019 |
He, F. (2023). Farm-scale and regional economic implication of agricultural land management decisions in the Floridan Aquifer region (30490241) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Florida]. University of Florida ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. | 2023 |
Hundemer, S. (2021). Confronting water partisanship with communication strategy [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida. | 2021 |
Karki, R. (2020). Towards improving agricultural and environmental sustainability in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin by understanding the agricultural and climate change impacts on the surface- and groundwater resources (30272768) [Doctoral dissertation, Biosystems Engineering, Auburn University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. | 2020 |
Klizentyte, K. (2022). Willingness to pay for the Upper Floridan Aquifer [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Florida. | 2022 |
Koirala, U. (2020). Economic feasibility of incentivizing farm/forest conservation-based practices in the Upper Floridan Aquifer Region [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida. | 2020 |
Rath, S. (2021). Agricultural water security through sustainable use of the Floridan Aquifer: An integrated study of water quantity and water quality impacts (28497245) [Doctoral dissertation, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. | 2021 |
Sangster, S. (2022). Assessing the feasibility of fertigation on cotton (29992430) [Master’s thesis, University of Georgia]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. | 2022 |
Tadych, D. (2020). Investigating soil parameters effect on crop yields and hydrology at field scale in the southeast US using the soil and water assessment tool (30272775) [Master’s thesis, Crop Soils and Environmental Sciences Department, Auburn University]. AProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. | 2020 |
Toffanin, A. (2019). Predicting precision nitrogen side-dress applications for maize with a simulation model (27546406) [Master’s thesis, Crop and Soil Science, University of Georgia]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. | 2020 |
Zamora Re, M. (2019). Irrigation and nitrogen best management practices in corn production [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida. | 2019 |